Mami Reads: Daily Gifts of Grace
I received this book right before the new year for review. I tell ya, I know the old phrase goes "Don't judge a book by it's cover" but as all book buyers will tell you, sometimes it's difficult not to. Daily Gifts of Grace is a devotional that has found a permanent place on my desk. I love the look of it, I love the feel of it and of course, I love the words in it. When I received it, the book was heavier than I expected. It's because it's got lovely silky pages that make this that much more special. The picture doesn't show that the title and some of the flowers are embossed.

I love that it feels like a journal with the magnetic closure. More than that, the words inside are just what I need on a daily basis to provide me with encouragement, knowledge and a feeling of peace. Ya'll know I'm all about my faith so, this book touches my heart in a most special way. Here is today's entry:
January 15
Making Choices Align with Priorities
I'm on the edge of losing it - the pain in my gut keeps burning. I'm ready to tell my story of failure. - Psalm 38:17 MSG
A dictionary defines the word edge in several ways, but my favorite is "the point at which something is likely to being." Throughout each day, we encounter edges, points at which something is likely to begin. Sometimes those edges seem insignificant, presenting simple choices: should I eat the cake? But they can have disastrous consequences or powerful potential. For example, alcoholics know they're always one little drink away from disaster.
Conversely, many of us have seen how a simple word of kindness or the smallest gesture of friendship has had a big impact on someone's troubled heart.
Sometimes big decisions start with small choices: During the invitation hymn at the end of church services, we may choose to cross a divine edge as we step into the isle. Then we take a step forward, then another, and the next thing we know, we're committing our lives to Christ.
But here's the thing: an edge is the point  at which something is likely to begin. It may not happen automatically. The edge may be a choice.
My top priority is to love and serve God. In the last few years I've gone through some health challenges. Through them I've learned that to be able to work toward my number one priority, I need to choose actions that honor and care for the body he has given me so I'm able to use it in his service and also use it to cherish and support the wonderful husband, family, and friends he has given me. - Sandi Patty
I like how the devotions are written by different people It gives you a different perspective on a daily basis. To me, this is the kind of book that will have a permanent place in my house. Something I can throw in my backpack for a quick read if I'm out. The type of book I can crack open in the middle of my very busy day in order to get the spiritual nourishment that I might need at that moment.
Daily Gifts of Grace is also the type of book that I am putting on my "gifts" list as I can see myself handing these out like hotcakes throughout the year.
If you're looking for a new devotional for 2012 or a great gift selection, I definitely recommend this book.
Have you read it? Did you like it? Tell me, tell me!
*I selected this book from BookSneeze to review.