#TeachHerTuesday: Free Educational Games

The Frog Princess is headed to Kindergarten. Holy time travel, batman! Is it me or didn't we just celebrate her 3rd birthday?! She's been home for a few weeks as we relax and enjoy the summer prior to the intensity that awaits her. Montessori kindergarten is no joke, my friends.

But it doesn't mean that we are not doing some "work". I have the sight words, I have my BOB books and now, I have some pretty awesome apps that I downloaded for free. Yes, you read that right. F.R.E.E.

CelleC Games is a local gaming company that's here for me and my math woes. Where were they when I was growing up (yes, I'm bitter)?!

Free educational games for kids!

Here's what's currently on the educational game rotation at my house: Decoration of Independence: because a little American History never hurt nobody! I may or may not be playing this game while the Frog Princess takes a writing break. Don't judge me!

Math Swatter: If you do not like bugs, I suggest you don't get this game because obstacles include spiders and hornets. Cool for some, creepy for others but hey, it's a fun way to introduce math to the kiddos.

Speaking of math, I dig Math Racer. We love to play it because half the time she doesn't realize it's work. Race your car along and as the math problems come up, pick the lane that has the correct answer and race through the correct response. How cool is that?

Math Stack is another app that I like. I think at this age, the fun part of my job as a parent/teacher is figuring out how my girl learns. So, exposing her to different ways of learning is paramount. In this game, you combine mobility, touch control and puzzle.

The Frog Princess likes Ant Path Learning and is patiently waiting to get a look at Dig 4 Dino coming out this Saturday!

I love this gaming company because they present me with different ways to teach some of the same concepts. As a Mami of a Montessori child, I've learned to embrace and love this approach and I'm glad I can find apps to help me teach her the way that she learns.

And if you kid is in high school or college, CelleC has a few tricks up their sleeves that you might like. I, on my part, am waiting with baited breath to see what they come up with in the reading category (hint hint).

Do you have a favorite educational app for your child?



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