Lee's Legacy


Disclosure: this post is sponsored by my heart I love football and I love community. When these two things come together, I get excited. In this case, my excitement comes with tears and inspiration.

John Mobley is a football player. A lot of you may know the name from the field. But Mobley 51 is his legacy. And his father's. When I got an email from my friend Jay about the tournament, I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to make it (the(ex)man ruined my golf clubs and I have had negative 234 zero time to play even if I did have clubs). But after reading the story behind the foundation, I knew that I'd at least be telling you about it.

John's dad, Lee, took in one of John's friends after his mother was killed. Lee's home became a haven for kids and he provided them with support and with hope. He began a youth sports league to keep the kids in the neighborhood engaged and off the streets. John wanted them all to succeed. Especially his own children.

Lee hoped to be able to see his son John play in the NFL one day. Isn't that our hope? That we will be around when our children reach their dreams? This went right to my mami heart. Well, when John was 16, Lee suffered a stroke that left him paralyzed and unable to speak. His son worked even harder and attended college.  Lee got his wish of seeing his son play in the NFL and even attended one of his games. A year later, Lee passed away. He left a 24-year old son behind. And an incredible legacy.

John Mobley has continued the habits of his father. With the same passion and heart to help children that might not have the opportunity or ability to participate in youth sports.  He knows first-hand what could be gained from the experience and how it can mold a child's pride and desire to dream bigger and to achieve both in sports and academia. John walks in Lee's steps today and does something that I think all parents hope their kids will do. Not just follow in our footsteps but create bigger steps than those we leave behind. To add on to our legacy and make it their own.

To that end, John formed "Lee's Legacy Youth Foundation" in an effort to help underprivileged and at-risk children through academic tutoring, mentoring and sports.

Isn't that amazing? I love this story. I love it because it's full of all of the good things in life. Helping one another, loving, dreaming, making this world a little better one child at a time.

The golf tournament is currently at capacity but you can donate to the cause nonetheless. I encourage you to read more about this organization. I am reminded of all the running around I do in my service organizations. And how I hope that the frog princess will understand that success is rooted not only in the job you have, the money you make or the house you live in. That success is also measured by the hand that reaches back to help those behind us. And that if we are going to make this world a better place, we need to start by lending a hand.

What legacy do you hope to leave behind?



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