Making Memories at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween

Disclosure: We were invited to attend Disney’s Not So Scary Halloween party. Tickets were provided by Disney. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

You already know we love us some Disney. So much so that the Frog Princess has requested an overnight stay and the Magic Kingdom for her 10th birthday because “it’s tradition”.

I love creating traditions. Ever since her first birthday, we have trekked to Disney. That firs day, 3 days after her birthday thanks to a hospital stay and then, as she reminded me, we’ve only not gone twice. Once, a few years ago because it was pouring that afternoon and then last year because I took her to New York City. I told her last year was a one-off on Disney, though because we went to see The Lion King on Broadway.

But, here’s the thing. Disney has always been reserved for the two of us. With my sister living out of the state and my brother side eyeing me every time I suggest he go with us, it’s been hard to get our little family together for any Disney’ing.

Fast forward to last month and the fact that my brother’s girlfriend, who loves Disney, has apparently changed his mind about the place (see how they are, folks?! BROTHERS!). My sister was coming into town to hang with us and lo and behold, I get an invitation to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween for the same time!

It was daytime when we got there. We are NOT wearing sunglasses at night!

It was daytime when we got there. We are NOT wearing sunglasses at night!

The timing was perfection! The Frog Princess has been wanting to dress as Mrs. Who, except that she wants that one dress that is rectangular shaped with all the colors and the ruffles?! You know the one I’m talking about? The thought of figuring it out has given me ANGINA! I actually found a petticoat that would do the trick with the shape but then realized, how will she sit on the rides?! So off I went to make something similar to the blue dress worn by Mrs. Who. I told baby girl this was a look inspired by Mrs. Who. Something Mrs. Who would definitely wear.

What do you think?


Baby girl was so excited when she heard her aunt and uncle would be accompanying us! I’m still in my year so, we knew I’d be wearing white. I told her I’d just be Mrs. Whatsit by default. My brother went as “practical Batman” and my sister as a TutiFruti frío frío. If you don’t know what a frío frío is, please gather yourselves and hurry up and get one so that you can have this blessing showered upon you.

Not only did we hang but we ate and even danced a little over at Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe. I’m still mad I didn’t get the cheese fries, too. UGH!

Enniweighs! We had a grand time. I managed to corral these 3 early on to take some pictures but, we had few pictures during the evening. And so much struck me. Some days we strive so hard to capture everything when, there are times that should only be captured by the heart.

It had been almost 30 years since the first time we went to Disney together and I cannot remember the last time after that. This time around, with the Frog Princess, we took our time, collected our candy (OF COURSE!) and appreciated just being together. As we walked the park and started to lament not stopping in the crowd to take photographs I realized that, this time around, it was more about being in each other’s presence than forcing the documentation.

There’s always a moment at Disney where I am awed by everything. By the timing of things, the order, the process. I’m grateful for it all. It allows my family and I to just be. To walk around trying to find our next ride, to joke with one another, to laugh (hellooo, Laugh Factory!). On a day where I am usually more concerned about getting the shot or making sure I show you all the awesome that is the Magic Kingdom during this time, I realized that it wasn’t about how much time I spent there or how many pictures we took.

It was about who I was with and what we were doing. This Not So Scary felt extra special to me and, with every fiber of my being, I hope that you have a chance to check it out with your family so that you can make memories and start traditions of your own.

There’s still time! You can check out Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween on select days through November 1st. Oh and, I’d like to give a shout out to Memory Maker. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without it. As a passholder, it comes with my plan BUT, if you’re rolling down here for some days at the park and don’t get it, you’re missing out BIG TIME! Not only is someone else in charge of taking awesome pics but, they do stuff like this with them!


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