Mami Crush

I was watching the Oprah's Lifeclass webcast and they said that I have to be my authentic self and tell the truth. Â So, here is my truth: I have a crush!
Ever meet someone that is super cool? Â Someone that is funny, intelligent, well-spoken? Someone that actually pays attention to you. That responds when you reach out? Â I know I have. Â This crush began last year , probably within a week of me starting this blog. Â I am not sure how I came across the name. Â How I found the site. Â But I have a mami crush on The Mommyologist!
I have taken The Pledge that speaks of how to treat others on the web. Â I know that a lot of horrible things happen out there but, I have been so blessed to not have had that experience. Â And Mary was the first contact I had with another blogger. Â At the time, I believe she was voted most awesomest blog ever to exist on the internets by Parents Connect (I'm paraphrasing here). Â So imagine my surprise when she returned an email to a comment I'd posted.
Following that I began to stalk her read her blog on the regular.  I feel like I know her so well.  How could I not? I know she pees herself a little sometimes and that's totally okay because, haven't we all?  I know that she is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to poop, especially if it doesn't want to come out.  I know where she got married (and should anyone ever be crazy enough to make me into an honest woman, I totally want to at least consider Cheeca Bay! It's beautiful).  I know all kinds of things about her!  So you see why I heart her?
What I love the most is that she keeps it real. Â When I first started thinking about my blog, I would comment to Robin (I was Batman) that I wanted to get back to being a sexy mami. Â And wouldn't you know it? The Mommyologist was there to help me figure out what that looked like by creating the Mom Sexy craze (I'm sure I was the inspiration. Â She just didn't know it. Â Well, me and the peeing at zumba thing)! Â She says the things that we are thinking in a way that is full of humor and awesomeness. Â Motherhood is not easy but man, it makes the ride so much better when you have women around you that not only are experiencing what you are but are willing to share it! Â As women, I don't think we share enough (and to that end, I'll be talking about my boobs later).
I Make Milk, What's Your Superpower? was written in order to link up to her blogoversary last year. Â I think it's one of my favorite blogs. Â Mary had been doing this for almost a year when I started my blog. Â It was such an inspiration for me to see all that she had accomplished. Â And, as I see her grow and transform herself, it gives me hope that I too can do it. Â That if I hustle and follow my dreams, I'll be able to "make it" in the bloggy world. Â As I decided to pursue my dream of writing after the lay off, I am fueled by so many moms who have felt like I felt and who have figured out another way to make what matters a priority.
Blogging has blessed me with meeting a great many mamis. Â Alas, Mary is one of many. Â But dammit, she was my first! Â And now you know. Â Oprah says that this should make me feel better. Â Here's hoping Mary doesn't block me from any contact with her.