in words.
The Thing About Fairness and Enduring
“If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.” – Paulo Coelho
I’ve been thinking about this quote for a while now. So many conversations are leading me to discussions about what we endure or are choosing to no longer endure.
I wrote that quote out during one particular discussion regarding the reasons why women stick things out. This is an overarching topic and I’m not just speaking about relationships.
Un-Stitching: Growing and Healing
I'm 3 months into my year. From the outside looking in, not much has changed. But on the inside, there is an almost daily shift that happens.
This has felt like sacred time. For introspection, for earnings, for truly becoming aligned with the highest and best version of myself. Sounds frou frou, right? I still cuss so, there's that.
I've been most thankful for the times I'm going about my business and a certain thought strikes me that leads me to a whole revelation about a person or situation that I hadn't previously thought of.
Rooted Here
This past weekend I found myself going out to the freshly mowed backyard and picking some oranges. That quickly led to me wanting to clean up the tree a bit which led to me trimming the overgrown plumbago which inevitably led me to the gardenia bush.
The gardenia bush…
Why I'm Saying Goodbye to the 'Hood
I've been thinking about saying goodbye to the 'hood for a while. I still can't believe this is happening. Here's what's going on and what the future holds.
What I Learned From the Word Intentional
I learned a lot from my word of 2018, intentional. And, I'm reflecting on those lessons as I look to my word in 2019 and what lies ahead.
How To Get Organized During the Holidays
So, I just sat there nodding my head and smiling til I felt like a crazy person because Rachel was speaking to my soul.
I stalk follow her on Instagram and have yet to find something that doesn't speak to my organizing heart.
During our #TalkEarly Summit last year, Rachel talked about how our lives aren't curated. As influencers especially, we feel the need to keep the clutter out of our images and only show you the perfection that surrounds us. Want to see what currently surrounds me?
Working Through the Emotions of Losing And Learning
The day after election day. I was up past 3 a.m. I left the safety of my war room after midnight for the reality of exit polls and concession speeches. I've been seeing a lot of discussions about percentages of people voting. About who voted how. Breakdowns regarding race and gender sliced and diced to serve up with a large side of anger and hurt.
Throughout the next days, weeks and months, I think we have to take a hard look within our own communities to acknowledge some facts, dig into the figures and get a game plan together for this future that we so desperately need.