Photo Book for the Holidays


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and personal pride in finally getting vacation pictures together in a beautiful photo book are purely my own. We went on vacation in August. I just completed a post telling y'all about it. Imagine what happened to the pictures?! Nothing!

Has that ever happened to you? I have a million pictures and nowhere are they displayed except in the privacy of my own screen.

I'm happy to report that this stops NOW! There are times when I take on a campaign and then there are times when a campaign takes me on. This has been Shutterfly for me.

First, the stunning and beautifully done on-time holiday cards en español and now, I get to gift my Frog Princess with a photo book detailing our amazing crusero!


As with the tarjetas, the photo book was super easy to create. I am an avid fan of ThisLife which is part of Shutterfly and it means that I can select my photos right from the app. Even if you don't have ThisLife, though. It's such a simple upload for photos. And then magic happens!

If you're not creative or lacking in time (errr, for those last minute gifts, folks) you can let Shutterfly lay out the pictures. I find this is not only super cool but take the burden of where to begin placing photos in your photo book. I went back and made some layout changes and background changes. 


It doesn't get better than this! I love the personalized gift that keeps on giving. Shutterfly offers an easy, creative and convenient way to share family milestones. Cruises, birthdays, Thanksgiving. It's easy peasy lemon squeezy!

You can be the supah-star of the family and make your annoying cousin who is always trying to one-up you look bad (not that I have this problem, mind you). 


Now, its even easier to share these creations with your abuelita, mother, neighbor, tía and other loved ones with Shutterfly’s new Spanish applications. Oh and with Spanish language customization, and a Spanish-language customer service, I can even share this with tía and she can do it on her own (without calling me 13 times!).

I'm over the moon at how this book came out and cannot wait to see the look on my girl's face when she opens this gift on Christmas morning!

As the person in charge of all of the photographs that my mother kept, I think it's so important to highlight all things family and together. I feel that photo books like this one will be treasured for years to come. It's more than an album, it's all about the stories that you can write beyond the photograph. And to me, that makes it even more special.

What treasures will you create?


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