2024 Word of the Year
I’m back. It took me a while to write this but, here I am. Lu and I tried to go live on IG in December but I guess Meta didn’t want us to be great. We landed over on Facebook instead where we took up our annual discussion about the word of the year and our process for selecting it.
If you’ve been here before, you know I like to pick a word and 3 subsequent anchor words. Those words support my initial word and tie back to not just what I want to do but also what I aim to embody.
This year, there was a lot of back and forth on the anchor words and it wasn’t until I had several conversations with myself and my spiritual team that the 3 finally took root. Here they all are:
Transcend: To rise above or go beyond the limits of. To triumph over the negative or restrictive aspects of. To overcome. To be prior to, beyond, and above (the universe or material existence). To outstrip or outdo in some attribute, quality, or power. To rise above or extend notably beyond ordinary limits.
I selected this word maybe 10 or 11 years ago as an homage to my maternal line. It came back up for me via Spirit as I walk this new path that’s been laid before me.
The path: this year, I’ve stepped away from my executive roles in the workplace to focus on consulting. This will allow for me to nurture the apothecary in a way that wasn’t possible in the past.
Anchor Words
Expansive: Having a capacity or a tendency to expand. Causing or tending to cause expansion. Characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk. Open. Marked by expansion. Having a great expanse or extent: SIZABLE, EXTENSIVE. Characterized by richness, abundance, or magnificence.
Comfortable: Providing physical ease and relaxation. Affording or enjoying contentment and security. Affording or enjoying physical comfort. Free from vexation or doubt.
Aligned: To bring into line or alignment. To get or fall into line. To be in or come into precise adjustment or correct relative position. To come together in agreement or alliance. To put (things) into correct or appropriate relative positions.
Words painted by the incomparable, Lucrecer Braxton. Available for a limited time. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.
I’m still getting comfortable with these words. Underneath all of this, I’m rooted completely in faith and trusting that my Spirit Guides, my Orishas and my Unknowns got me and won’t let me fall or fail.
I’m still trying to settle into a new routine as I reset my nervous system and my spirit. It all feels new to me. But it most definitely feels like a welcomed change. Something that I’ve been preparing for. I wasn’t planning on taking this leap for another year but, God has a way of changing plans on ya when you least expect it. I’m humbled and grateful to have this opportunity and look forward to embodying last year’s words as I step into this one. I always say that you don’t actually live out your words until you’ve worked through them. I can definitely say I had an audacious year filled with softness, a deep sense of freedom in my heart and a little opulent behavior here and there (remind me to tell y’all about Bimini).
Similarly, I think this year will bring more of that in addition to the comfort, alignment and expansiveness that I’m being led to embody in this journey of mine.
I’m working on my vision board for the year and will be posting them on my Instagram account. Drop me a line if you’ve already finished yours! I’d love to see them.