Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself…
I’ve been busy decompressing after an abrupt end to a professional endeavor that I knew was time bound, but that went away a lot sooner than planned. I have also been planning: life, liberty and the pursuit of maminess - remember that? Mostly, I’ve been scrolling on the innanets while I also plot on ways to take over the world. So, I thought I should stop by and reintroduce myself in all the ways that speak to what I’m doing for a living these days.
Buying up URL's and thinking of business ideas while HGTV plays in the background is my current specialty. Aside from the whole digital strategy savant thing that I should really be focusing on. Instead, I'm working on perfecting my outdoor space so I can work leisurely and in the comfort I see the content creators post on Instagram (P.S. I was a content creator 2 lifetimes ago, but if you’re here, you already know that). Sadly, I lack the skillset that allows me to figure out where the sun rises and sets in relation to this pergola I just put up so, if we are ever on Zoom and you see me squinting, don't hold it against me (I think maybe if I'd paid attention to math or something I could work this out but as it is, I'm slightly better with the written word - don't let this post fool you!).
I enjoy long walks on the beach, rearranging people's entire processes because OMG that's not how you should be doing it (read: I love to help folks figure out processes and workflows to improve both productivity and ease), and yelling at my cat to stop eating plastic (we're currently trying to find her some help).
Over the last few years, I've worked as VP of Digital Strategy and Comms Director, which means I've missed motivating my friends through thinly veiled threats that earned me the distinction of master of motivational thuggery (and before you ask, yes, I own that url). I'm currently seeking consulting gigs that will allow me to work my magic and make the good better and the better best. I'm also looking for someone to rewrite my intro and promise to pay them in…exposure (I might also be open to plant clippings or herbal teas but exposure is probably the thing that everyone wants).
Off I go to edit a book I told my editor, Denene “Mothafuckin’” Millner, I'd get back to her in the Fall of 2023. I'm hoping she is sufficiently distracted by this article about my last book to forget what I owe her.
All that to say, if you’re looking for a kick ass strategic consultant, you know where to find me. If you don’t, look here.
And of course, the shop is still up and running (and now with some trademarks). Big thanks to those of you that support my spiritual endeavors. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter as I’ve been dropping all kinds of fun stuff (including discounts) in people’s inboxes.
A cat in the hand is worth more than two on the couch. Or whatever it is that they say.