Fifty Shades Of...Sili

By the time you read this I'll either be 1. frantically reviewing my packing spreadsheets to see what I've forgotten 2. getting the 2 hours of sleep I plan on slipping in 3. on my way to BlogHer 2012 or 4. partying it up doing business with around 4,500 other awesome bloggers (shameless plug: there's still time to sponsor me)! If we haven't met then, let's get to it! Welcome! If you are a regular, consider this a refresher, will you (and, why haven't you called?)?

I have not read Fifty Shades of Grey yet, what with potty training and Business Law taking up my time. Life around here has been more like Fifty Shades of Holy Crap (both literally and figuratively). But I do know that there are many different sides to me and so, what better title?

You can get the bio and find out who it says I am but, that's probably the hardest piece of writing I've had to do (if you'd like to re-write it for me, knock yourself out and then email it to me).

This post is a quick guide to the different "me's". Both visually and through my writing so, enjoy the ride and tell me, who do you think I am?


My BlogHer Recap


Mami Reads: Mission Possible