Mami Moments: Caring

When I heard of this opportunity write a post for Johnson's as a letter addressed to my child during a time of illness, I didn't have to think twice. And when I heard that they created a charity (JOHNSON’S® BABY CARES) and would be providing Baby Care Kits filled with essential baby products that will be sent to families in need during times of natural disasters, I was instantly transported to my call to action this past December to do the same for newborns in the Dominican Republic.

11/26/10 8:57 p.m.

My dearest child,

What a crazy week we've had! Your birthday is tomorrow and in the last 4 days we have had a ton of ups and downs. First, you had a little fever on Tuesday. That little fever has turned into a lot of fevers throughout the days. We ended up having to take you to the emergency room on Thursday @ 3 a.m. because your temperature went up to 103.9! Your dad and I got nervous and rushed you right over. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with you and that's a good thing. They gave us antibiotics for you, though, just in case. Last night, your fever spiked to 103 again and your dad and I decided to give you the medication and pray that your temperature would go down. Today's probably the first day that you have been close to normal on your temperature. But, fevers spike at night so we will see what the night brings. You've been your usual self though a bit more clingy to me than normal.

This was your first Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. As the days go by, I think of how much more I love you. This time last year, I was counting down waiting to see you. I can't believe an entire year has passed. And I cannot believe how big you are!

Frog princess, I love you and appreciate you so much more this week. I am thankful for you. Thankful for your abuela and the time we still have with her. It is my prayer that you will get to know her very well. Yesterday when she walked in, you leapt out of your dad's arms and into hers. I love to see you do that. Even though she hasn't been able to pick you up too much because of the biliary catheters that she has in her stomach, she carried you a bit. I am sad to think that all this time she hasn't really been able to play with you. But, the tubes come out next week and it is my prayer that you two will make up for lost time.

It has been an emotional week also because we went to see a new doctor for your abuela. I am still processing all that is going on but hope that my faith will guide me through this time. I love you SO much, baby girl. Don't ever forget that, okay? Even if we are arguing or you're not happy with me know this: I will make mistakes because I am human but please do not doubt that I make decisions and do things because I want what's best for you. I know things won't always turn out perfect but I pray that the love that I have in my heart will shine through and reach you always.

With undying love, Your Mami

After scouring my files I realized a lot of the journaling stopped after mami died although a lot of writing was done on this blog.  I'm grateful to J&J and Latina Bloggers Connect for giving me an opportunity to be compensated for a post that means so much to me. It transported me to a day when mami was still here and I was still prayerful that God would let us keep her a little longer. During that time, I was caring for two of the most important females in my life & I consider myself blessed to have been able to do so.

Please visit their Facebook page to find out more about how they are helping families around the world with basic needs.


To Judy Blume, Thanks For Everything! Mami


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