Navidad Con Shutterfly

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All thoughts, opinions and relief over being done with holiday cards are purely my own. I adore holiday cards. Christmas was Mami's favorite time of the year and it feels like I inherited not just her rich history but her love of Christmas.

Except that I can't, y'all. Every year I say I'll be sending cards and then  I either: 1. get completely overwhelmed and kick this idea to the curb or 2. end up sending New Year's cards instead.

Well this year I am ahead of the game! Can I get an amen? I'm excited that I found these amazing Shutterfly cards en español. I cannot express how much I love these!

Shutterfly cards.

It was super easy for me to create and I was able to pull my pictures out from This Life which I am a big fan of. Who has time to figure out pictures. Amirite? Check out how I did it!

While my family speaks some English, I love having the option of ordering as many of these cards as I like in order to provide them with a better card they can connect to.

Connect to a card? Why yes! We get so little in the mail these days when it comes to truly personal mail that I think the idea of sending something out in my native tongue is genius.

Seriously, why hadn't I thought of this before? Enniweighs, Shutterfly had plenty of amazing selections. So much so that I had a very hard time selecting this one. Truth be told, though, I love that I can mix and match. Select a handful of one design and then see what else I fall in love with.

It's been a couple of years since I've dropped a great Christmas card for my peoples (both business and personal). I think Shutterfly Vida is the bestest way for me to bring it back.

Shutterfly in Spanish.

And because I love y'all and need you to get with the program so we can act like we are rocking our schedules and have it together, I have a $50 giveaway for you! Woohoo!


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