Simple Gifts

I've been off my game this week.  First, my frog princess returned on Monday evening from her first trip away from me (5 DAYS, people!).  That, in and of itself brought all kinds of emotions to my heart. Deep, raw and normal (or so my tribes tell me). She had a blast and I didn't lose my mind so, I consider it a success. Then, I received a call yesterday from my cousin to let me know that she was in labor. I ran over to the place where my frog princess was born and was reminded of so many emotions that are engraved in my heart.

It gave me the strength to finally write down my own birth story. And it reminded me of that day after, when it was all love and joy. Just the three of us in a bubble that nothing and no one could burst. My mother healthy, my life as of yet intact from the tsunami of 2011.

This is my cousin's first baby. And she was amazing!!! Her labor was smooth and without major issues and she most definitely deserves a push present! The little prince is 4 weeks early but you couldn't tell, beautiful as he is!

I have a lot to catch up on in the next couple of days so I leave you with this:

This simple life that brings such joy, that tugs at our hearts with a simple wink. This beautiful gift that God has bestowed, to make us feel, to make us think. A mother's labor brought forth this child, with grunts and breaths and pushes galore. And with it she birthed a brand new life that forever will be adored!

Welcome home, sweet prince! Do you have any thoughts for the new mami?



Letting Sleeping Dogs Lie


To Judy Blume, Thanks For Everything! Mami