A Look Back: Before the Blessing

This is my last entry in the journal before I went into labor.  I am feeling very mushy this night as I think that a year ago today, I was full of life and ready to burst... 11/27/09 2:06 p.m.

Okay I am officially done being pregnant ;-). I can’t wait to see you! I went to the doctor on Monday and I was 1 cm dilated, 90% effaced and at 0 station (this means that your head is in my pelvis and ready to go whenever labor starts). I thought you’d come some time this week. I keep having Braxton Hicks contractions so that’s a good thing. It means my body’s working to get you here soon.

We had a nice Thanksgiving with your Abuelos last night. Your dad played dominoes with papa but I think they lost a couple of games.  Not like them at all.

He’s now dancing around in the living room eating a chocolate bar before he pulls out your car seat.  We’re going to put it in the car to make sure we are good to go. This year I am thankful for you and as with last year, I am thankful for your father. For him being here with us. For him giving me the gift of you, for him loving me and sharing a life with me.

People keep leaving you messages on FB. Things like: come out and play! lol People can’t wait to see your beautiful face and neither can we.

I spoke to your grandparents and they are giddy with excitement. Your grandma said she’s going to pack her bag so she can be ready to go when she gets the call. I am trying to rest as best I can though I keep waking up to go to the bathroom every hour of the night. Things will be so different when you get here. I sit here and think: the house will never be this quiet! Chico Mendes is going to be in for a lot of changes but he loves your room and I think that you two will be best of friends.

You may make it here on 12/1 after all. It would be a miracle if you did. What are the odds that we’d have you on the anniversary of the day we met? Who would’ve thought that the man that came up to me smiling and asking to dance with me would mean so much in my life. That beautiful smile is the reason you are on your way here.  Sometimes I still can’t believe it. When it is all said and done, this love is a wonderful and beautiful thing. And I can’t wait to share it with you skin to skin. I love you so much!



Confessions of a Toddler Mom


A Look Back: Epiphany