in words.
This Ain’t Yo Mama’s Summer School
Are you ready for spiritual summer school? I hope so because the fun kicks off on 07.21! Hurry up and sign up. See you in class!
Iyawo Chronicles: Eyes On the Journey
Some days I feel lost. On a boat in the middle of the sea with nothing but the wind and the waves to move me.
There is so much to learn. In life. In the religion. So much to impart before my time on this earth is up. So much to take in.
Iyawo Chronicles: Faith As a Transaction
Today, I’ve been thinking about how so much in life, especially in this day and age, is transactional. And that led the way to thinking about how sometimes we use religion and even our faith in transactional manners.
Never when things are good, right? Always when things get rough, when there is discord, a natural disaster, illness. Then we become the best [insert your religious denomination here].
What Have I Done? And Other Answers to Your Questions
My initiation ceremony has brought lots of questions with it. Here are a few answers for those that have been asking to learn more.
On the Road to Ocha
I've known it since I was a child, raised next door to that same root worker and her husband who had a hand in not only how my heart was shaped but how my spirit was formed around the inevitability of what was to come.