in words.
Iyawó Chronicles: On Integrity
Some days, we have to face some truths, head on. And some days, we have to let some things marinate until we are ready to accept their truths. I think I’ve arrived at a lot of truths and these thoughts on integrity are some of them.
Iyawo Chronicles: Eyes On the Journey
Some days I feel lost. On a boat in the middle of the sea with nothing but the wind and the waves to move me.
There is so much to learn. In life. In the religion. So much to impart before my time on this earth is up. So much to take in.
Iyawo Chronicles: Faith As a Transaction
Today, I’ve been thinking about how so much in life, especially in this day and age, is transactional. And that led the way to thinking about how sometimes we use religion and even our faith in transactional manners.
Never when things are good, right? Always when things get rough, when there is discord, a natural disaster, illness. Then we become the best [insert your religious denomination here].
The Struggle With Healing Work
Some days (especially during my Iyaworaje) I have struggled with my perception my own productivity. With what has gotten done at work. With what I didn’t take care of at home. With my office looking a mess. With the garage not yet being purged. I struggle.
The Thing About Fairness and Enduring
“If you expect the world to be fair with you because you are fair, you’re fooling yourself. That’s like expecting the lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him.” – Paulo Coelho
I’ve been thinking about this quote for a while now. So many conversations are leading me to discussions about what we endure or are choosing to no longer endure.
I wrote that quote out during one particular discussion regarding the reasons why women stick things out. This is an overarching topic and I’m not just speaking about relationships.
Un-Stitching: Growing and Healing
I'm 3 months into my year. From the outside looking in, not much has changed. But on the inside, there is an almost daily shift that happens.
This has felt like sacred time. For introspection, for earnings, for truly becoming aligned with the highest and best version of myself. Sounds frou frou, right? I still cuss so, there's that.
I've been most thankful for the times I'm going about my business and a certain thought strikes me that leads me to a whole revelation about a person or situation that I hadn't previously thought of.
Rooted Here
This past weekend I found myself going out to the freshly mowed backyard and picking some oranges. That quickly led to me wanting to clean up the tree a bit which led to me trimming the overgrown plumbago which inevitably led me to the gardenia bush.
The gardenia bush…
Why I'm Saying Goodbye to the 'Hood
I've been thinking about saying goodbye to the 'hood for a while. I still can't believe this is happening. Here's what's going on and what the future holds.
What Have I Done? And Other Answers to Your Questions
My initiation ceremony has brought lots of questions with it. Here are a few answers for those that have been asking to learn more.